The rarest albino cougar was born in a zoo in Nicaragua. The sex of the baby is still unknown. Zoo v

The rarest albino cougar was born in a zoo in Nicaragua. The sex of the baby is still unknown. Zoo veterinarian Carlos Molina said that now there are only four white cougars in the world, and the recently born cub is one of them.

There are three kittens in the litter, the other two are beige with spots. Adult cougars are already spotless, their color is usually beige or brown. The mother and cubs are still kept in an airtight cage to protect her from stress and foreign odors. 

If a mother confuses human smells with the smells of kittens, she can attack them. The father lives in a separate enclosure so that he does not harm the kids. They are going to be shown to visitors when they turn three months old.

The white cub is healthy and eats well, the veterinarian said. He added that albino cougars are very sensitive to sunlight and require careful care.

The rarest albino cougar was born in a zoo in Nicaragua. The sex of the baby is still unknown. Zoo veterinarian Carlos Molina said that now there are only four white cougars in the world, and the recently born cub is one of them. There are three kittens in the litter, the other two are beige with spots. Adult cougars are already spotless, their color is usually beige or brown. The mother and cubs are still kept in an airtight cage to protect her from stress and foreign odors.  If a mother confuses human smells with the smells of kittens, she can attack them. The father lives in a separate enclosure so that he does not harm the kids. They are going to be shown to visitors when they turn three months old. The white cub is healthy and eats well, the veterinarian said. He added that albino cougars are very sensitive to sunlight and require careful care.