📚 **What Things Teach Us** 🤔 Once, the Master was sharing that every thing can teach something to

📚 **What Things Teach Us** 🤔

Once, the Master was sharing that every thing can teach something to a person.

Someone asked, __"Can things like a telephone, a train, or a telegraph really teach someone something?"
The Master replied:

__"A telephone teaches us that everything we say can be heard from very far away. A train helps us understand that being just a minute late can mean being late forever. And a telegraph teaches us that every word comes at a cost.__" 📞🚂📠



📚 **What Things Teach Us** 🤔 Once, the Master was sharing that every thing can teach something to a person. Someone asked, __"Can things like a telephone, a train, or a telegraph really teach someone something?" __ The Master replied: __"A telephone teaches us that everything we say can be heard from very far away. A train helps us understand that being just a minute late can mean being late forever. And a telegraph teaches us that every word comes at a cost.__" 📞🚂📠 #Psychology @Motivation