**What is the most promising place for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? ** 🪐🌑Just two de

**What is the most promising place for extraterrestrial life in our solar system?
🪐🌑Just two decades ago, scientists expected that the sixth largest of [Saturn’s moons](https://t.me/askmenow/3247), Enceladus, to be a frozen ice ball. 

🌑🌊However, in 2005, [robotic spacecraft](https://t.me/askmenow/3431) Cassini sent to study [Saturn and its rings and moons](https://t.me/askmenow/2908) detected plumes of water vapor and icy particles erupting from geysers on the surface, revealing the existence of a global ocean between the moon's icy shell and its rocky core ⬆️. 

❗️In 2023, [researchers announced](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05987-9) that that they had found phosphorous in the ocean on Enceladus. 

ℹ️Of the six elements required for life ([carbon](https://t.me/askmenow/3582), hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur were already found on Enceladus), phosphorus was the only one building block that astronomers had not yet detected in material from Enceladus.

‼️According to scientists, this one of the most important space discoveries of 2023 makes **Enceladus the most promising place for extraterrestrial life **[in our solar system](https://t.me/askmenow/3555).

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**What is the most promising place for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? ** 🪐🌑Just two decades ago, scientists expected that the sixth largest of [Saturn’s moons](https://t.me/askmenow/3247), Enceladus, to be a frozen ice ball. 🌑🌊However, in 2005, [robotic spacecraft](https://t.me/askmenow/3431) Cassini sent to study [Saturn and its rings and moons](https://t.me/askmenow/2908) detected plumes of water vapor and icy particles erupting from geysers on the surface, revealing the existence of a global ocean between the moon's icy shell and its rocky core ⬆️. ❗️In 2023, [researchers announced](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05987-9) that that they had found phosphorous in the ocean on Enceladus. ℹ️Of the six elements required for life ([carbon](https://t.me/askmenow/3582), hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur were already found on Enceladus), phosphorus was the only one building block that astronomers had not yet detected in material from Enceladus. ‼️According to scientists, this one of the most important space discoveries of 2023 makes **Enceladus the most promising place for extraterrestrial life **[in our solar system](https://t.me/askmenow/3555). Subscribe- t.me/askmenow