**Apples to the black spot. Legend of the best salesman.** 🍎 Dumping all the hard work on newcomer

**Apples to the black spot. Legend of the best salesman.** 🍎

Dumping all the hard work on newcomers is the policy of many companies. Somewhere, this ritual is called a probationary period.

But almost everyone practices it.

And the mailing company "Jay Walter Thompson" (JWT) was no exception.

A young manager, James Yang, joined them at work. At the same time, a batch of apples, damaged by frost and covered with black spots, arrived at the company. The fruits were intended for distribution to customers, but when the JWT management saw their condition, they were horrified.

Managers brainstormed what to do with the apples. And they decided to entrust the sale of the apples to the newcomer.

Let him taste the bitterness of rejections, negative letters, calls from angry customers.

But James handled the task. And not just handled it, but did it in such a way that there were no returns at all.

Yang sent the apples to customers, accompanying each shipment with a letter:

__"Pay attention to these spots. They indicate that the apples are grown in the mountains, with sharp temperature fluctuations. Thanks to this, the apples acquire their characteristic juiciness, sweetness, and aroma. If it turns out that everything we've said doesn't match reality, you can send all the goods back."__

Of course, none of the customers returned the apples to James Yang. Moreover, almost all orders for apples from the next harvest were accompanied by a note: __"Send them this time with spots too."__ 🌟🍎



**Apples to the black spot. Legend of the best salesman.** 🍎 Dumping all the hard work on newcomers is the policy of many companies. Somewhere, this ritual is called a probationary period. But almost everyone practices it. And the mailing company "Jay Walter Thompson" (JWT) was no exception. A young manager, James Yang, joined them at work. At the same time, a batch of apples, damaged by frost and covered with black spots, arrived at the company. The fruits were intended for distribution to customers, but when the JWT management saw their condition, they were horrified. Managers brainstormed what to do with the apples. And they decided to entrust the sale of the apples to the newcomer. Let him taste the bitterness of rejections, negative letters, calls from angry customers. But James handled the task. And not just handled it, but did it in such a way that there were no returns at all. Yang sent the apples to customers, accompanying each shipment with a letter: __"Pay attention to these spots. They indicate that the apples are grown in the mountains, with sharp temperature fluctuations. Thanks to this, the apples acquire their characteristic juiciness, sweetness, and aroma. If it turns out that everything we've said doesn't match reality, you can send all the goods back."__ Of course, none of the customers returned the apples to James Yang. Moreover, almost all orders for apples from the next harvest were accompanied by a note: __"Send them this time with spots too."__ 🌟🍎 #Psychology @Motivation