🌟** How to Stop Being Unhappy:** **1️⃣ Decide that everything is going well for you. ** It's not a

🌟** How to Stop Being Unhappy:**

**1️⃣ Decide that everything is going well for you. **
It's not as simple as it sounds. As the famous French philosopher Alain wrote: "You have to want to be happy and make an effort for it. If you stand in the position of a dispassionate observer and keep the doors wide open, waiting for happiness to enter them, then sadness will enter instead." It's always easier to surrender to unhappiness - it requires less psychological energy. But to prolong happiness, on the contrary, efforts are needed.

**2️⃣ Don't allow yourself to be sad for too long. **
By giving in to negative emotions, we prolong them. In the past, people believed in a kind of catharsis: for example, if you complain to someone, you can alleviate your suffering. In reality, it's often the opposite: constant and unproductive complaints can turn the complainer into a victim of life's circumstances. And unhappiness feeds itself: the more we give in to it, the longer it will last.

**3️⃣ Take care of yourself, especially when things are going badly. **
In reality, thousands of people refute this idea with their behavior. Most people suffering from anxiety and depression do the opposite. The worse they feel, the more they isolate themselves (stop seeing friends, abandon their hobbies), and the more they isolate themselves, the worse they feel. It creates a vicious circle.

**4️⃣ Savor moments of happiness. **
The best (and most pleasant) weapon in the fight against unhappiness is to extract as much pleasure as possible from those happy moments that fate gives us. An excellent vaccine against feeling unhappy is to enjoy happiness, trying to make this feeling stronger, more powerful, and brighter. 🌈



🌟** How to Stop Being Unhappy:** **1️⃣ Decide that everything is going well for you. ** It's not as simple as it sounds. As the famous French philosopher Alain wrote: "You have to want to be happy and make an effort for it. If you stand in the position of a dispassionate observer and keep the doors wide open, waiting for happiness to enter them, then sadness will enter instead." It's always easier to surrender to unhappiness - it requires less psychological energy. But to prolong happiness, on the contrary, efforts are needed. **2️⃣ Don't allow yourself to be sad for too long. ** By giving in to negative emotions, we prolong them. In the past, people believed in a kind of catharsis: for example, if you complain to someone, you can alleviate your suffering. In reality, it's often the opposite: constant and unproductive complaints can turn the complainer into a victim of life's circumstances. And unhappiness feeds itself: the more we give in to it, the longer it will last. **3️⃣ Take care of yourself, especially when things are going badly. ** In reality, thousands of people refute this idea with their behavior. Most people suffering from anxiety and depression do the opposite. The worse they feel, the more they isolate themselves (stop seeing friends, abandon their hobbies), and the more they isolate themselves, the worse they feel. It creates a vicious circle. **4️⃣ Savor moments of happiness. ** The best (and most pleasant) weapon in the fight against unhappiness is to extract as much pleasure as possible from those happy moments that fate gives us. An excellent vaccine against feeling unhappy is to enjoy happiness, trying to make this feeling stronger, more powerful, and brighter. 🌈 #Psychology @Motivation