The ghostly tree frog (crowned ghost tree frog) __Anotheca spinosa__ lives in the humid rainforests

The ghostly tree frog (crowned ghost tree frog) __Anotheca spinosa__ lives in the humid rainforests of Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico and Peru.

The ghost frog is often called the crowned frog because of the series of sharp protrusions adorning its head. A pair of large round eyes of copper or bronze color looks out from under this "crown". Several sharp spikes are scattered on the back of the mysterious tree frog.

Its mottled grayish-brown color almost does not differ from the color of fallen foliage or tree bark, and its nocturnal lifestyle and cautious nature make these tree frogs almost elusive.

The male's invocative singing can be heard a hundred meters from the hollow in which the performer himself is located. The male assigns a date to the future partner in a hollow filled with water, a bamboo trunk or giant leaves.

The ghostly tree frog (crowned ghost tree frog) __Anotheca spinosa__ lives in the humid rainforests of Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico and Peru. The ghost frog is often called the crowned frog because of the series of sharp protrusions adorning its head. A pair of large round eyes of copper or bronze color looks out from under this "crown". Several sharp spikes are scattered on the back of the mysterious tree frog. Its mottled grayish-brown color almost does not differ from the color of fallen foliage or tree bark, and its nocturnal lifestyle and cautious nature make these tree frogs almost elusive. The male's invocative singing can be heard a hundred meters from the hollow in which the performer himself is located. The male assigns a date to the future partner in a hollow filled with water, a bamboo trunk or giant leaves.