🀝 **Overcoming the "do it all myself" syndrome: How to learn to ask for and accept help** πŸ˜” **The

🀝 **Overcoming the "do it all myself" syndrome: How to learn to ask for and accept help** πŸ˜”

**The first reason fueling this syndrome is the inability to ask. It feels uncomfortable, like you might burden people, or they might view you differently or even refuse. Self-doubt and inner tension are to blame. But those around you are not mind readers. As long as you hesitate to ask, they have no clue that you need assistance. 
__Solution - Practice the art of asking. If it's tough with strangers, start with your close onesβ€”begin with simple requests for help with everyday tasks. You'll discover that the world is much friendlier than you thought. People rarely decline, and if they do, it's just an opportunity to take the next step, learn to accept rejection without reverting to the "I can do it myself" shield. Gradually, increase the complexity of what you ask for. __πŸ’ͺ__
**"I ask, but I can't accept." The second issue: you struggle to accept help. You can ask, but when someone tries to assist, you immediately pull back, saying, "Oh, no, thanks, I can handle it, I'm only 38 kg." The problem is rooted in the ingrained belief that if you accept help, something must be wrong with you. 
__Solution - Try this exercise: write down in a notebook why you think accepting help is abnormal. Try to look at it from a different perspective and begin working through each point, accepting help in situations where you used to decline. __πŸ“__
**"I believe no one can do it better than me." The third issue: fearing that no one can do it better than you. After all, you put in your best effort, achieving top-notch results, and if you delegate, the outcome becomes unpredictable.** 

__Solution - This takes time but is worth it. It's about proper task delegation and timely correction. When assigning a task, double-check if everything is clear, ask questions to ensure understanding. If something isn't done as intended, gently correct and adjust.__πŸ“‹



🀝 **Overcoming the "do it all myself" syndrome: How to learn to ask for and accept help** πŸ˜” **The first reason fueling this syndrome is the inability to ask. It feels uncomfortable, like you might burden people, or they might view you differently or even refuse. Self-doubt and inner tension are to blame. But those around you are not mind readers. As long as you hesitate to ask, they have no clue that you need assistance. ** __Solution - Practice the art of asking. If it's tough with strangers, start with your close onesβ€”begin with simple requests for help with everyday tasks. You'll discover that the world is much friendlier than you thought. People rarely decline, and if they do, it's just an opportunity to take the next step, learn to accept rejection without reverting to the "I can do it myself" shield. Gradually, increase the complexity of what you ask for. __πŸ’ͺ__ __ **"I ask, but I can't accept." The second issue: you struggle to accept help. You can ask, but when someone tries to assist, you immediately pull back, saying, "Oh, no, thanks, I can handle it, I'm only 38 kg." The problem is rooted in the ingrained belief that if you accept help, something must be wrong with you. ** __Solution - Try this exercise: write down in a notebook why you think accepting help is abnormal. Try to look at it from a different perspective and begin working through each point, accepting help in situations where you used to decline. __πŸ“__ __ **"I believe no one can do it better than me." The third issue: fearing that no one can do it better than you. After all, you put in your best effort, achieving top-notch results, and if you delegate, the outcome becomes unpredictable.** __Solution - This takes time but is worth it. It's about proper task delegation and timely correction. When assigning a task, double-check if everything is clear, ask questions to ensure understanding. If something isn't done as intended, gently correct and adjust.__πŸ“‹ #Psychology @Motivation