The Mexican iolot mole lizard __Bipes biporus__ is endemic to the California Peninsula, Mexico. The

The Mexican iolot mole lizard __Bipes biporus__ is endemic to the California Peninsula, Mexico.

The total length of this lizard is 15-23 cm. The head is short, rounded, with small eyes. The body has a worm-like shape, covered with small, smooth scales. The tail is short and pointed. 

The hind limbs are reduced. The forelimbs are short with five toes equipped with long claws. The tongue is forked.

He likes sandy soils, semi-deserts. He spends most of his life underground, digging his tunnels and burrows. It appears on the surface after rain. Active at night. It feeds on insects, mainly ants and termites.

Life expectancy is 1-2 years

The Mexican iolot mole lizard __Bipes biporus__ is endemic to the California Peninsula, Mexico. The total length of this lizard is 15-23 cm. The head is short, rounded, with small eyes. The body has a worm-like shape, covered with small, smooth scales. The tail is short and pointed.  The hind limbs are reduced. The forelimbs are short with five toes equipped with long claws. The tongue is forked. He likes sandy soils, semi-deserts. He spends most of his life underground, digging his tunnels and burrows. It appears on the surface after rain. Active at night. It feeds on insects, mainly ants and termites. Life expectancy is 1-2 years