The water anolis __Anolis aquaticus__ is a lizard found in Costa Rica and Panama, which hides under

The water anolis __Anolis aquaticus__ is a lizard found in Costa Rica and Panama, which hides under water when scared - and continues to breathe there!

At first, it was thought that the lizard stores air in a leather bag on its head - and this theory has been the main one for a long time and has even been replicated by most publications.

But close observation of the water anolis underwater showed that it uses the so-called plastron respiration: water cannot penetrate to the surface of the body due to short hairs with a hydrophobic surface. Because of this, an air bubble forms on the lizard's body. 

But where does this life-saving air bubble from a lizard come from? Observations have shown that this bubble is nothing more than the air exhaled by the lizard into the water. And so that it does not come off and float up, depriving her of breath, she breathes very carefully, preventing a strong increase in the volume of this bubble.

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The water anolis __Anolis aquaticus__ is a lizard found in Costa Rica and Panama, which hides under water when scared - and continues to breathe there! At first, it was thought that the lizard stores air in a leather bag on its head - and this theory has been the main one for a long time and has even been replicated by most publications. But close observation of the water anolis underwater showed that it uses the so-called plastron respiration: water cannot penetrate to the surface of the body due to short hairs with a hydrophobic surface. Because of this, an air bubble forms on the lizard's body.  But where does this life-saving air bubble from a lizard come from? Observations have shown that this bubble is nothing more than the air exhaled by the lizard into the water. And so that it does not come off and float up, depriving her of breath, she breathes very carefully, preventing a strong increase in the volume of this bubble. __The continuation of the post is in a minute__