**Why do women need more sleep than men? ** According to [a study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc

**Why do women need more sleep than men? 
According to [a study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4868418/), men need 7-8 hours of sleep where women need 8-10 hours that leads to different [circadian rhythms](https://t.me/askmenow/3564) and to more sleep for women. 

The [sleep cycles](https://t.me/askmenow/3558) are similar, but [cortisol](https://t.me/askmenow/2102) goes down and [melatonin](https://t.me/askmenow/3563) goes up sooner in women than men.

The interaction between circadian phase and time asleep was significant for sleep efficiency, in that the [circadian disruption of sleep](https://t.me/askmenow/3565) became stronger as sleep progressed.

While a person sleeps, their hormone levels are being replenished, and when a woman is deprived of sleep it can mess with cycles that take place within the female body that don’t happen for men.

[Another study](https://corporate.dukehealth.org/news/poor-sleep-more-dangerous-women) found that for women, poor sleep is strongly associated with psychological distress, and greater feelings of hostility, depression and anger. In contrast, these feelings were not associated with the same degree of sleep disruption in men.

ℹ️ As per studies, women require about 20 minutes more sleep than men.

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**Why do women need more sleep than men? ** According to [a study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4868418/), men need 7-8 hours of sleep where women need 8-10 hours that leads to different [circadian rhythms](https://t.me/askmenow/3564) and to more sleep for women. The [sleep cycles](https://t.me/askmenow/3558) are similar, but [cortisol](https://t.me/askmenow/2102) goes down and [melatonin](https://t.me/askmenow/3563) goes up sooner in women than men. The interaction between circadian phase and time asleep was significant for sleep efficiency, in that the [circadian disruption of sleep](https://t.me/askmenow/3565) became stronger as sleep progressed. While a person sleeps, their hormone levels are being replenished, and when a woman is deprived of sleep it can mess with cycles that take place within the female body that don’t happen for men. [Another study](https://corporate.dukehealth.org/news/poor-sleep-more-dangerous-women) found that for women, poor sleep is strongly associated with psychological distress, and greater feelings of hostility, depression and anger. In contrast, these feelings were not associated with the same degree of sleep disruption in men. ℹ️ As per studies, women require about 20 minutes more sleep than men. Subscribe- t.me/askmenow