**What is meant by orbital resonance? ** Two celestial bodies are in **orbital resonance** if their

**What is meant by orbital resonance?
Two celestial bodies are in **orbital resonance** if their orbital periods can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

It is caused by the changing gravitational forces of bodies which go round each other. 

Orbits are usually ellipses, not circular, and as [a satellite](https://t.me/askmenow/2904) goes round [a planet](https://t.me/askmenow/3220) or two [stars](https://t.me/askmenow/3219) go round each other, the gravitational forces can change, sometimes hugely. Also, the [planets and stars](https://t.me/askmenow/3221) are usually not spherical. They spin, and vary in their degree of oblateness. This also changes the forces on an orbiting body.

For example, two planets, both orbiting a parent star, are said to be in a 2️⃣:1️⃣ resonance when one of the planets takes approximately twice as long to orbit the star as the other planet ⬆️. 

[In our own Solar System](https://t.me/askmenow/3247), Neptune and Pluto are in resonance (in this case 3️⃣:2️⃣), as are many [moons of Saturn and Jupiter](https://t.me/askmenow/3248). 

__ℹ️ The area of mechanics, which is used for these studies, is called **celestial mechanics**.
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**What is meant by orbital resonance? ** Two celestial bodies are in **orbital resonance** if their orbital periods can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. It is caused by the changing gravitational forces of bodies which go round each other. Orbits are usually ellipses, not circular, and as [a satellite](https://t.me/askmenow/2904) goes round [a planet](https://t.me/askmenow/3220) or two [stars](https://t.me/askmenow/3219) go round each other, the gravitational forces can change, sometimes hugely. Also, the [planets and stars](https://t.me/askmenow/3221) are usually not spherical. They spin, and vary in their degree of oblateness. This also changes the forces on an orbiting body. For example, two planets, both orbiting a parent star, are said to be in a 2️⃣:1️⃣ resonance when one of the planets takes approximately twice as long to orbit the star as the other planet ⬆️. [In our own Solar System](https://t.me/askmenow/3247), Neptune and Pluto are in resonance (in this case 3️⃣:2️⃣), as are many [moons of Saturn and Jupiter](https://t.me/askmenow/3248). __ℹ️ The area of mechanics, which is used for these studies, is called **celestial mechanics**. __ Subscribe- t.me/askmenow