**How to bring what you started to completion and gain energy. **🌟** ** **It's important to be abl

**How to bring what you started to completion and gain energy. **🌟** **

**It's important to be able to properly define goals and tasks: **
if something can be finished now, there's no need to postpone it; a goal that cannot be achieved in the near future should be broken down into several sub-goals, each of which can be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe. 📅 
As much as possible, complete them one by one, deriving satisfaction from the results, even though the main task is still pending. 😊 

**How to plan tasks correctly. **📝** **
There are several approaches to this issue: making plans for the day, week, month, year, and executing them, adjusting the list of goals if necessary; prioritizing tasks in each situation and addressing them, while handling other tasks spontaneously as they arise. ⏳ 

**How to learn to finish tasks?** You need to break them down into stages and systematically close them. If something doesn't work out, understand the reason. Ask yourself why you don't want to do it, what steps you're taking to complete what you started? What's the next step you plan to take? 🚀

Answers to these questions may reveal an unexpected truth — perhaps, the task you've taken on is unnecessary. It doesn't align with your life goals and desires, it requires too much effort disproportionate to the result, or it's irrelevant. In that case, it's okay, and even preferable, not to finish it. 🙌



**How to bring what you started to completion and gain energy. **🌟** ** **It's important to be able to properly define goals and tasks: ** if something can be finished now, there's no need to postpone it; a goal that cannot be achieved in the near future should be broken down into several sub-goals, each of which can be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe. 📅 As much as possible, complete them one by one, deriving satisfaction from the results, even though the main task is still pending. 😊 **How to plan tasks correctly. **📝** ** There are several approaches to this issue: making plans for the day, week, month, year, and executing them, adjusting the list of goals if necessary; prioritizing tasks in each situation and addressing them, while handling other tasks spontaneously as they arise. ⏳ **How to learn to finish tasks?** You need to break them down into stages and systematically close them. If something doesn't work out, understand the reason. Ask yourself why you don't want to do it, what steps you're taking to complete what you started? What's the next step you plan to take? 🚀 Answers to these questions may reveal an unexpected truth — perhaps, the task you've taken on is unnecessary. It doesn't align with your life goals and desires, it requires too much effort disproportionate to the result, or it's irrelevant. In that case, it's okay, and even preferable, not to finish it. 🙌 #Psychology @Motivation