here is a red-legged booby Sula sula - and absolutely not afraid of tourists who arrived on the Gala

here is a red-legged booby Sula sula - and absolutely not afraid of tourists who arrived on the Galapagos Islands!

The red-legged booby nests mainly on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, less often in the Indian and Atlantic. It builds nests from sticks in a shrub, usually lays one egg, which incubates for about 45 days. Adults have been observed in the north up to the area of the Tatar Strait and the south of the Kuril Ridge.

The color of the feathers is white, light gray or light brown, the paws are reddish, webbed, and the beak is light blue. The rear edge of the wing is black. The body length of the red-legged booby is about 70 cm, the wingspan is up to 1.5 m.

Its main diet consists of small fish and squid

here is a red-legged booby Sula sula - and absolutely not afraid of tourists who arrived on the Galapagos Islands! The red-legged booby nests mainly on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, less often in the Indian and Atlantic. It builds nests from sticks in a shrub, usually lays one egg, which incubates for about 45 days. Adults have been observed in the north up to the area of the Tatar Strait and the south of the Kuril Ridge. The color of the feathers is white, light gray or light brown, the paws are reddish, webbed, and the beak is light blue. The rear edge of the wing is black. The body length of the red-legged booby is about 70 cm, the wingspan is up to 1.5 m. Its main diet consists of small fish and squid