__Fulgoridae __lamplighters belong to cicadas, but now we will talk about their larvae, which have d

__Fulgoridae __lamplighters belong to cicadas, but now we will talk about their larvae, which have developed the ability to cover their entire body with wax threads and resemble crawling lumps of white fluff.

The importance of such protection is obvious – not many people like wax, and it is not easy for parasites to get to the delicate body of larvae through a wax hoodie. In addition, the disheveled wax larvae successfully disguise themselves as lichens. In addition, the wax repels water and prevents the lampshade from being severely damaged by tropical downpours.
Wax filaments are secreted from glands on the abdomen. They also help the larva to soften the impact when falling. The larva also has a tail, which helps to stay afloat in the water, because wax is hydrophobic. But the grown-up individual has a different appearance, and looks like a jumping piece of paper.

__Fulgoridae __lamplighters belong to cicadas, but now we will talk about their larvae, which have developed the ability to cover their entire body with wax threads and resemble crawling lumps of white fluff. The importance of such protection is obvious – not many people like wax, and it is not easy for parasites to get to the delicate body of larvae through a wax hoodie. In addition, the disheveled wax larvae successfully disguise themselves as lichens. In addition, the wax repels water and prevents the lampshade from being severely damaged by tropical downpours. ⠀ Wax filaments are secreted from glands on the abdomen. They also help the larva to soften the impact when falling. The larva also has a tail, which helps to stay afloat in the water, because wax is hydrophobic. But the grown-up individual has a different appearance, and looks like a jumping piece of paper.