šŸ™… **Toxic Colleagues **šŸ™… **Who's Poisoning Your Office Life? Let's talk about a few types:** šŸ˜**

šŸ™… **Toxic Colleagues **šŸ™…
**Who's Poisoning Your Office Life? Let's talk about a few types:**

šŸ˜** Chatterboxes:** The office would be a dull and oppressive place if it weren't for those you can share stories about your child's success, your husband's gift, or last night's club outing with. But there are those who don't stop at that. They're ready to talk incessantly about themselves, the weather, traffic, and share the "latest news" about the boss and colleagues. They monopolize your time, disrupting work and life. It's best to set clear boundaries with these chatterboxes and keep your distance.

šŸ§** Know-It-Alls**: They have an answer for everything: "It's elementary! How can you not know this?" They look down on you and are so self-assured that sometimes you feel like you're really "missing something." Even if they're wrong (which happens quite often), they'll never admit it. It'll be your mistake, not theirs. Stay away from such people. They'll never treat you as an equal, and at best, you can aspire to be their lackey.

šŸ˜“** Procrastinators:** They're ready to do anything but work. With them, you never know if the work will get done. They constantly distract you and others from tasks at hand.

šŸ˜¢ **Victims:** They're in a constant state of fear, self-pity, suffering, submission, and occasionally, they stage protests. Playing the victim is highly beneficial for them. On one hand, they get sympathy from colleagues, and on the other, they avoid taking responsibility for their work, blaming circumstances or others.

šŸ˜ˆ** Instigators:** Peace and harmony aren't their thing. They always have to scheme and pit one against another. Dealing with instigators is a waste of time ā€“ they're too busy with corporate warfare. If you gather the courage to point out their flaws or criticize their work, they'll unleash tons of bile on you. Don't engage with instigators. They're entirely ineffective as team players, and their schemes undermine the efficiency of other employees.



šŸ™… **Toxic Colleagues **šŸ™… **Who's Poisoning Your Office Life? Let's talk about a few types:** šŸ˜** Chatterboxes:** The office would be a dull and oppressive place if it weren't for those you can share stories about your child's success, your husband's gift, or last night's club outing with. But there are those who don't stop at that. They're ready to talk incessantly about themselves, the weather, traffic, and share the "latest news" about the boss and colleagues. They monopolize your time, disrupting work and life. It's best to set clear boundaries with these chatterboxes and keep your distance. šŸ§** Know-It-Alls**: They have an answer for everything: "It's elementary! How can you not know this?" They look down on you and are so self-assured that sometimes you feel like you're really "missing something." Even if they're wrong (which happens quite often), they'll never admit it. It'll be your mistake, not theirs. Stay away from such people. They'll never treat you as an equal, and at best, you can aspire to be their lackey. šŸ˜“** Procrastinators:** They're ready to do anything but work. With them, you never know if the work will get done. They constantly distract you and others from tasks at hand. šŸ˜¢ **Victims:** They're in a constant state of fear, self-pity, suffering, submission, and occasionally, they stage protests. Playing the victim is highly beneficial for them. On one hand, they get sympathy from colleagues, and on the other, they avoid taking responsibility for their work, blaming circumstances or others. šŸ˜ˆ** Instigators:** Peace and harmony aren't their thing. They always have to scheme and pit one against another. Dealing with instigators is a waste of time ā€“ they're too busy with corporate warfare. If you gather the courage to point out their flaws or criticize their work, they'll unleash tons of bile on you. Don't engage with instigators. They're entirely ineffective as team players, and their schemes undermine the efficiency of other employees. #Psychology @Motivation